Book of Common Prayer, the
The First Book of Common Prayer, 1549
The Collect: Rite I:Almighty and everliving God, who through the Book of Common Prayer didst restore the language of the people in the prayers of thy church: Make us always thankful for this heritage; and help us so to pray in the Spirit and with understanding, that we may worthily magnify thy holy Name; through […]

From the Book of Common Prayer

From the Book of Common Prayer
The Book of Common Prayer (or BCP) is the Episcopal Church’s resource for our life together. Descended from the Church of England’s text of the same name, the book is a hallmark of Anglican worship and spirituality, containing a treasure trove of prayers for groups and individuals, ceremonies, worship services (or rites), psalms, historical documents of the […]

The Book of Common Prayer
The Book of Common Prayer The Book of Common Prayer is a treasure chest full of devotional and teaching resources for individuals and congregations, but it is also the primary symbol of our unity. As Armentrout and Slocum note in their Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, that “Anglican liturgical piety has been rooted in the Prayer Book […]

Proposed Book of Common Prayer
Proposals for revision of the 1928 BCP were first published by the Standing Liturgical Commission in a series of Prayer Book Studies, the first of which was published in 1950. When trial use of a revision of the eucharistic rite was authorized by the 1967 General Convention, pew copies were printed in a book titled […]

Book of Common Prayer, The (BCP)
Official book of worship of the Episcopal Church. The BCP provides liturgical forms, prayers, and instructions so that all members and orders of the Episcopal Church may appropriately share in common worship. Anglican liturgical piety has been rooted in the Prayer Book tradition since the publication of the first English Prayer Book in 1549. The […]

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry calls church to prayer following attack on Anglican hospital in Gaza
We have all been invited in the last few days to join with Archbishop Hosam Naoum and the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem, as well as Pope Francis and Archbishop Justin Welby, to pray fervently for all those who have been hurt, harmed, or killed in this conflict.

Prayer Is the Answer to Jesus’ Prayer, Easter 7 (A) – 2023
[RCL] Acts 1:6-14; Psalm 68:1-10, 33-36; 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11; John 17:1-11 Jesus prayed. The Gospels reveal that prayer remained the constant refrain of Jesus’ life. Jesus prays frequently and fervently. Why would he of all people need to pray? First, Jesus was God made man, and so he had emptied himself to become human […]

book titles

New Spanish, French prayer book translations now available
New, certified Spanish and French translations of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer are available online. Printed copies will be available Jan. 20.

Join evening Election Day Prayers online Nov. 8
As polls begin to close on Nov. 8 for the U.S. midterm elections, all are invited to join an Election Day Prayers gathering online hosted by The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations.

Presiding bishop calls Episcopalians to ‘A Season of Prayer for Revival’
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry invites Episcopalians everywhere to mark the season after Pentecost with 30 days of prayer leading up to and encompassing the 80th General Convention in Baltimore, Maryland.

Season of Prayer for Revival
This page is available in: Español Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry invites Episcopalians everywhere to mark the season after Pentecost with 30 days of prayer leading up to and encompassing the 80th General Convention in Baltimore, Maryland. “A Season of Prayer for Revival”—from June 12 through July 11—features daily prayers drawn from the Book […]

Episcopal Church releases new prayer book translations into Spanish and French, solicits feedback
The Episcopal Church announces the release of draft translations of the Book of Common Prayer in Spanish and French, with Haitian Creole to follow. Feedback is sought from native speakers of those languages by Oct. 15.

Episcopal Church prepares for release of new prayer book translations
The Episcopal Church is pleased to announce the upcoming release of trial translations of the Book of Common Prayer in Spanish, French and Haitian Creole and plans to seek feedback from native speakers of those languages.

Epiphany 2021: A Call to Prayer for our Nation from Presiding Bishop Curry
On this day of the Feast of the Epiphany, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry invites Episcopalians and people of faith to turn and pray on behalf of our nation

Books and Print
Books and Print A Way of Love Companion to An Outline of the FaithA guide that explores the Way of Love in conversation with the catechism in the Book of Common Prayer. Users explore how each of the seven practices correspond to topics like “Human Nature”, “The Christian Hope”, and “Sin and Redemption”. Created by […]