Ways to Give: Planned Giving

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is an excellent way to support ministries and charities, like Episcopal Migration Ministries, that you love and feel connected to. Charitable fund sponsors can include many community foundations as well as the charitable arms of for-profit financial institutions. A few of these include Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program, and the Episcopal Church Foundation (a separate 501c3 nonprofit) to name a few. DAFs can have immediate tax advantages including allowing you to take a charitable tax deduction in the year you contribute to the fund and still make grants to charities on your own time. Please consult with your tax advisor before making any decisions.

If you have questions about giving through a donor-advised fund, please contact T.J. Houlihan at (212) 716-6271 or thoulihan@episcopalchurch.org