Creation Care Resources for Lent

As we enter the season of Lent we have the opportunity to reflect and to integrate creation care into our Lenten practices. The following resources offer an invitation into daily practices of meditation, prayer, and action. Share these resources with your congregation or creation care committee, or use them for your own personal Lenten journey. May they help us move towards a loving, liberating, and life-giving relationship with one another and with all of God’s creation.

Diocese of Western Massachusetts: Daily Meditations for Lent 2023

The Creation Care Leadership Circle in the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts has prepared a collection of quotes and images for Lent 2023. You’re invited to sign up to receive an inspirational daily meditation (including a short quote and an image) during the 40 days of Lent. The quotes come from many sources as we honor the wisdom of many voices and traditions. Please join us as we contemplate the gift of the natural world and our calling to reconcile humanity with the rest of God’s creation. You can sign up here.

Episcopal Relief and Development Lenten Meditations – Who is my neighbor?

This Lenten Season, Episcopal Relief & Development invites you to join in meditation on the commandment to love our neighbor and consider the meaning of this fundamental instruction in our daily lives. The Rev. Robin Denney, a parish priest and former missionary focused on agricultural development in Liberia and South Sudan, wrote this year’s meditations. Robin’s reflections are poignant and personal and challenge the reader to consider the question, “Who is my neighbor?” Follow this link to receive daily meditations in your inbox including themes of creation care, humility, restoration, and hope.

Anglican Environmental Network – Lent Resource for the Year of the Tree

Last year at the Lambeth Conference, the Anglican Communion Forest was launched, encouraging us to incorporate tree growing into our spirituality, planting trees for baptisms, confirmations, birthdays, weddings, patronal festivals and in memory of loved ones. For Lent the Anglican Environmental Network is focusing on the theme of trees, with 40 actions to encourage us to love, treasure and grow trees. Download this calendar resource in English or Spanish.
Gulf Coast Creation Care: Lenten Creation Care Challenge Calendar

Gulf Coast Creation Care invites you to participate in its Lenten Creation Care Challenge—which this year focuses on food, agriculture, and climate change. You can download the full calendar here or email to receive the reflections daily during Lent, along with a plant-based recipe from the “Seasons of Creation” cookbook, which was published by the Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast in 2021. 
Creation Justice Ministries Lent Resource: Daily Reflection & Action Calendar

The Lent resource from Creation Justice Ministries offers a wide range of ideas for reflection, formation, prayer, and action. Print out the guide, include in your church newsletter, or lead a conversation in your community about these action opportunities. Download the resource here.

Categories: Creation Care