Young, John Freeman

(Oct. 30, 1820-Nov. 15, 1885). Teacher of liturgics and church music, and Bishop of Florida. He was born in Pittston, Maine. Young attended Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut. He graduated from the Virginia Theological Seminary in 1845. He was ordained deacon on Apr. 20, 1845, and priest on Jan. 11, 1846. Young began his ministry as rector of St. John's Church, Jacksonville, Florida. In 1846 he moved to Texas, where he was a missionary in Brazoria County. He then did missionary work in Livingston, Madison County, Mississippi. In 1852 he moved to Napoleonville, Louisiana, where he was rector of Assumption Parish. In 1860 Young became the assistant rector at Trinity Church, New York City. He was secretary of the Russo-Greek Committee of the General Convention. In 1864 he edited the papers of that committee, which encouraged intercommunion of the eastern, English, and American churches. Young was consecrated the second Bishop of Florida on July 25, 1867, and served in that position until his death. In 1882-1883 the Department of Liturgics and Ecclesiastical Music was added to the School of Theology, University of the South. Young was named lecturer in that department. He served there as lecturer until his death. Among his publications were Papers on Liturgical Enrichment (1883) and Great Hymns of the Church (1887). Young died in New York.