Frequently Asked Questions for EYE17

About Oklahoma

Areas covered: climate, what to bring (and what not to bring), parking, contact information, arrival and departure times

What is the weather like in July in Edmond?

It will be hot. In July, the average high is 94 degrees; the low is 72 degrees. You will be outside on Oklahoma City Day. Note that indoor facilities are air-conditioned, so prepare for much cooler indoor temperatures. Dorm Crew and chaperones will have instructions for weather-related emergencies. On Oklahoma City Day, weather emergency procedures are in place for the entire event and will be relayed as necessary.

Do I need spending money?

Yes. All meals, the event T-shirt, and program materials are included in your registration. However, the campus offers a coffee shop and bookstore if you’d like to purchase items. There will also be an Episcopal book store in the Exhibit Hall. Finally, you may also purchase additional food during the Red Dirt Carnival on Wednesday, Oklahoma City Day.

What is appropriate clothing for EYE17?

You should bring comfortable and appropriate clothing, such as jeans, shorts, T-shirts, and walking shoes. Please refrain from wearing provocative clothing, revealing shirts/pants/skirts, vulgar imprints, tobacco or alcohol advertisements, etc., as specified in the 2017 Episcopal Youth Event Covenant and Rules of Conduct.

Can my friends/relatives come and visit me?

No you cannot invite visitors. EYE17 is a closed event. Only invited guests and registered participants are allowed on campus during the event.

What’s the procedure if parents need to reach their children?

The EYE17 office number, (646) 856-7844, will also be monitored 24 hours a day. In case of emergency, parents may call the UCO Department of Public Safety (405) 974-2345.

Is there a lot of walking?

There is some walking required. It takes approximately 10 minutes to reach the most distant areas of the campus that we will be using. The campus is completely wheelchair-accessible. Also, during Oklahoma City Day, you will be boarding buses and walking through museums. We have responded to requests for assistance, as identified during registration. Please contact us if your mobility needs change.

Can I drive my car on campus?

No. Only those groups traveling to EYE17 in diocesan vehicles or rented vehicles will be permitted to park on campus.

I know I can’t bring a weapon but is a Swiss Army knife a weapon?

Yes. A Swiss Army knife is a weapon and is not allowed on campus. Please do not bring any sharp instruments to the event.

Can I drink alcohol?

No. Alcohol use is not permitted during EYE17.

Can I smoke or chew tobacco?

No use of tobacco products is not permitted during EYE17.

Are cell phones allowed at EYE17?

Yes. It is expected that participants will use cell phones to communicate as needed with parents and diocesan officials. Diocesan leaders may also be using cell phones as a means of communication with youth participants during the event. And, of course, the app is dependent on smart phone access. We do request that all phones are silenced during program times and should not be used so that they become a distraction to others and remove the user from being present in the community.

Should I bring electronic equipment (Game Boys, iPods, laptops) or valuables?

You are permitted to bring these items, but EYE17 and UCO are not responsible for anything stolen, lost, or misplaced. All electronic equipment must be silenced during EYE17 programs.

May I leave early?

No. Participants are expected to remain on campus for the duration of EYE17.

Residence Life

Areas covered: dorm living, recreation, food options, medical information

Where are the bathrooms in the dorms?

Some of the residence halls have bathroom facilities for each floor while others have two sleeping rooms connected by a bathroom. For dorms with open shower space, every stall is divided by a curtain. Members of the Pastoral Care Team serving as Dorm Crew, will help participants determine bathroom use.

Are the floors single gender?

In most dorms, each floor is designated for participants of a single gender. However, one dorm is designated as gender non-binary and gender inclusive. Rooms in this dorm will be assigned based on gender designations gathered during registration process. As always, we do our best to provide adequate and comfortable accommodations for all people, while working within the policies of The Episcopal Church.

Do I have to share a room?

Yes. In order to accommodate all registrations, sharing rooms is essential. Whenever possible, your roommate will be someone from your diocese or province. However, you may be assigned to share a room with a same-gender identified participant from a different diocese.

Do I have to be in my dorm room at night?

Yes. All participants are required to be quiet and in their own rooms at the time assigned on the schedule.

Are linens provided?

A pillow, blanket, sheets, and a washcloth and bath towel are provided by housing services. Please note that towels are smaller than what most people have at home, so you may wish to bring another.

What if I forget a necessary toiletry item?

There is a bookstore and convenience options in the Nigh University Center. For commonly forgotten items – like toothbrushes – please visit the Information Desk at the Nigh University Center

Do I need to bring an alarm clock?

Yes. Alarm clocks are not provided but they are extremely necessary. You can also choose to use your phone as an alarm clock.

Are the dorms air-conditioned?

All of the dorms, classroom spaces and large group indoor gathering areas are air-conditioned. For some, air conditioning can feel too cold. Participants are encouraged to bring a light sweater or jacket to use when indoors.

Will my dietary needs be met?

Yes. EYE17 and UCO’s food services are accommodating special dietary needs. We requested dietary specifics upon registration. Please contact us if your dietary needs have changed.

Will everyone eat at the same time?

No. Our group is too large to feed everyone at the same time. Participants will be assigned a dining time for each meal throughout the event. All members of a diocese will be assigned the same dining time.

Are meals mandatory?

EYE17 and the Foods Services Department will provide healthy, balanced meals each day. Participants will have a wide variety of choices at mealtimes. While meals are not mandatory, participants are encouraged to eat meals regularly in order to remain active and involved in EYE17 activities.

Is there a food court if I’m still hungry?

Meals are buffet-style and bedtime snacks are provided each evening. However, if you want to supplement your meals, there is a coffee shop and several fast food restaurants in the Nigh University Center where participants may purchase food and snacks.

Is there a place to work out?

No. UCO University athletic facilities will not be available to EYE17 participants.

Can I get up early and run?

Participants may run during designated free time by arrangement with your Registrar or On-Site Contact. If you are a chaperone, you may choose to run in the morning, however you must make sure your delegation is adequately chaperoned during your absence.

Will there be Internet access?

Wireless Internet is available in designated public areas.

Adult Mentor Responsibilities

Areas covered: Chaperone expectations and responsibilities

Is there an adult meeting at EYE17?

Every delegation will send at two adults, one of whom must be the Registrar or On-Site Contact, to one of two mandatory meetings held at the start of EYE17. One will be held Monday evening, the second Tuesday morning. Delegations will receive details about time and place of the meeting at registration.

Do I have to check in my youth at night?

Before going to sleep for the night, adult sponsors need to check that their youth are in their respective rooms and report to the Dorm Crew.

Do I have to get my youth up in the morning and make sure they are at morning program?

Yes. It is your responsibility to ensure that the young people you bring participate fully in EYE17. The event is built around programming and workshops, and youth come to EYE17 for this, not to sleep in.

Will I be housed with my young people?

Youth will be on the same wing/floor as adult mentors/chaperones of the same gender.

Program Schedule and Activities

Areas covered: Schedule, planned activities, participation

Will we have free time?

Yes, there is some free time scheduled every day with lots of fun things to do as well as ample space for quiet reflection. Because our dining schedule will be in three blocks, everyone will have some free time around each meal.

Will I need money for offerings at our worship services?

Yes, if you wish to contribute. At each of our community-wide liturgies an offering will be taken that reflects our program and focus for the day. Please consider putting aside an amount of what God has given you through work or allowances to give to these purposes. Prior to EYE17, you may consider raising funds through your congregation or diocese to bring as part of your EYE17 offering.

What toiletries should we bring for donation on Oklahoma City Day?

The Diocese of Oklahoma has requested that we bring travel-size toiletry items for donation on Oklahoma City Day. This may be soap, shampoo, lotion, or even a toothbrush. These will be donated to The Guild of St. George’s, which is an Episcopal food ministry at the Cathedral,, Jesus House,/which is a homeless shelter and recovery program, and City Rescue Mission, which is also a homeless shelter and recovery program.

Will the Presiding Bishop be there?

Yes, The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry plans to be present at EYE17 as does The Rev. Gay Jennings, President of the House of Deputies.


Areas covered: Personal acclimation, spiritual/emotional help

Will there be other groups on campus?

Yes. However, the campus is guarded and will be closed each evening.

If an issue comes up in my group, who can I go to?

If an issue arises approach the adult sponsors from your diocese, a member of the Pastoral Care Team, or an EYE17 chaplain or staff member. You may also contact the EYE17 office, (646) 856-7844.

Will I be separated from others in my diocese?

Potentially yes, but that is not required. Meals, workshops and free time are at the discretion of each participant as agreed upon with adult sponsors. Participants are encouraged to share in the rich cultural and geographic diversity available to them during EYE17.


Areas covered: Medical treatment, handling medications

Where do I go for medical treatment? Is there a nurse or doctor?

Our Medical Team is available in The Quad 24 hours a day the University Clinic is also open during business hours. For extreme health issues, a hospital is located near the campus. If you have an emergency and need immediate assistance, please call the EYE17 Medical phone, 929-441-5120, or the EYE17 office, (646) 856-7844.


These medications must be turned into the Medical Staff at check-in:

  • Anything requiring refrigeration,
  • Stimulant and non-stimulant medications for the treatment of ADD, ADHD, ODD, etc. Examples:
  • Adderall (amphetamine)
  • Ritalin (methylphenidate)
  • Concerta (methylphenidate)
  • Focalin (dexmethylphenidate)
  • Daytrana (methylphenidate patch)
  • Metadate (methylphenidate)
  • Methylin (methylphenidate)
  • Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine)
  • DextroStat (dextroamphetamine)
  • Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine dimesylate
  • Strattera (atomoxetine)
  • Intuniv (guanfacine)
  • Medication for the treatment of depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety, etc. Examples:
  • Wellbutrin (bupropion)
  • Tofranil (imipramine)
  • Aventyl (nortriptyline)
  • Norpramin (desipramine)
  • Alprazolam or Xanax (benzodiazepine)
  • Spare epipen, and
  • Spare inhaler

All other medications are the responsibility of the Registrar or On-Site Contact. If you have any question on whether your youth member’s medication may need to be in the clinic, please ask any member of the EYE Medical Staff at registration.

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