Reflections from Liverpool During COVID-19

By: Nelson Pike

A view from Nelson’s back garden

I can safely say that I didn’t ever expect to be spending this much time inside during my YASC year in Liverpool. Everyone in the UK is ordered to stay home for three weeks, at which time the Prime Minister will re-examine lockdown conditions. (Which will probably remain in effect, but that’s only my guess at this point). Happily, I’m still in view of the Cathedral where I live on the Close, and all the clergy (and myself) still get together for daily prayer, only now via Zoom. 

In terms of mission work, I now manage the website created by the Diocesan Communications Team to keep the Cathedral community connected during this time we can’t meet in the Cathedral: Each day a member of the clergy offer a prayer or reflection that is shared on the website, as well as linked to Facebook. It’s been really great to read as I create the posts, and the response has been really positive. It’s keeping us together even when we have to be apart. 

By order of the Archbishops our church buildings are closed. But these times of uncertainty during the COVID-19 lockdown have taught me that the church isn’t ever truly closed. We, God’s people, are the church. Our prayers and reaching out are helping to make Christ known in the world. We continue to incarnate Christ in our midst, but just not in our usual buildings. 

As I said, my work plan now isn’t what I expected. But I am still absolutely encountering the presence of Christ this year—who is present wherever we are.