Go! for Lent: Luke 14:23

In Mark 16:15, Jesus said to his disciples to go into the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. He also told them to go and tell all His good works so they too can be at his house to benefit from His everlasting love. In Luke 14:23, as Jesus said to his servant “Go,” He commanded him to go out and reach out to the less fortunate, the poor and the outcasts. He said “Go” out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in that my house may be filled. Jesus is extending an invitation to all who have left the church for any reason to come back and be a part of his covenant. Jesus wants to set us free, free from distress, and free from bondage.

We are all God’s children and we are precious in his sight. Jesus wants to draw us closer to Him. The world around us is rapidly changing and we must leave our comfort zone to go and be servants; that means to devote our God-given talents, treasures and gifts and passion to share and proclaim the love of Jesus. We can use Jesus as a perfect example of servanthood. Jesus went as far as washing his disciples’ feet to give them examples of humility and kindness. He humbled himself, died and stretched his arms on the cross just to save us and to buy our pardon. God can put someone on our path expecting to hear something from us.  In this Lent season, He is calling us to serve, to tend to others on the periphery so they too can inherit the Kingdom of God. 

Categories: Lent, Lenten Meditation