Go! for Lent: Mark 14:42

Betrayal is a breakdown in trust. In my experience it represents the worst kind of pain. I think of three particular instances in my life in which I have felt betrayed. All three of these instances changed my life and left their own individual scars that caused me to be more cautious in my steps toward similar circumstances. Feeling less willing to trust wore me down. But, stopping has never been an option for me.  I do not stop because my example is Jesus Christ.

That night in the Garden he knew what was ahead of him.  Even though he may have felt the sting of betrayal by a friend, he walked toward his betrayer knowing it would lead to his own arrest, torture, and  death.

In a Lenten series years ago I heard the question “Why do you follow Jesus?” At the table discussion my answer was “I follow Him because I figure He knows more than I do about the plan, and if I’m going to be a part of that I have to keep going”. This journey has not led me in the directions I expected or even hoped for. I am not without questions.  I do know I will learn the answers as I keep going on the way with him.

Against the fear and pain in a world that is increasingly distrustful, I keep my eyes on him. I reach out and touch the scars left by the thorns and nails and know that they are there because he died for me and rose in glory so that my scars are just temporary nuisances, and reminders of his healing.

Categories: Lent, Lenten Meditation