Peace: The Alternate Scenario: Lenten Meditation, 2/15/2013

Luke 10:1-9

By: April C. Caballero

Peace. It is unwise. Peace does not get the popular vote. Peace is not a natural instinct. And further, peace takes work.

But peace is our gospel. Peace is our kingdom. And so we push against all odds toward it, even only knowing a glimpse of it.

Today’s text is set at the climax of Christ’s ministry. The 70 (or 72) were fully prepared to drop all and follow Christ and his teachings at this point. And it almost seems as though the further into Christ’s ministry we get, the more bizarre his proclamations and lessons become.

“See, I am sending you out like lambs into the midst of wolves.”

This part of scripture has always confused me. Or at least, it has brought up questions for which I had no answers.

But Christ does send those who truly follow his life and example like lambs among the wolves. And here is why:

The message of Peace, which we are called to proclaim, is unwise. Peace does not get the popular vote. Peace is not a natural instinct. And most importantly, peace takes work.

And to fight against the current, and to fight against innermost turmoil, all to achieve peace, which we mostly believe but do not yet fully know – is painstaking labor. In the fight for peace, we are truly lambs amongst the wolves.

But fear not.

First of all, Christ sends his followers before him. Not so that they may first fail and he may triumph for his own sake; but so that we may never fail, for Christ our Help and Redeemer is always behind us.

Second, we are not rejected. If we are faithful to carry ourselves with the peace, compassion, and love of Christ, we shall not be turned down. Often it is in our hearts to bring a word of peace or reconciliation, but there is an indescribable amount of fear and vulnerability attached to that sentiment. It is the easiest thing in the world to dismiss that still, small voice in our hearts. We know that by following our hearts we place ourselves in the worst-case scenarios.

But Christ has an alternate scenario set up for us. Christ has set up an entire kingdom of alternate scenarios. And here is one:

And if anyone is there who shares in peace, your peace will rest on that person; but if not, it will return to you.

There is no rejection. All that you bring in following Christ returns to you.

So listen, this Lenten season, to that still, small voice. For you have been given this voice, this utterance – first and foremost.

And this voice is the foundation for all good things. It leads to eating and drinking, and communion with strangers near and far. It leads to healing for all who accept and embrace the word of peace, for this is the Kingdom of God. And this kingdom, built on peace, takes work. It is labor, and it is, perhaps, unwise.

But as mentioned, the Kingdom of God is a reality full of alternate scenarios.

So, who is to say what is wise and unwise after all?

Holy God, with Christ our Teacher and the Spirit, Holy Wisdom:
You hold and are all knowledge and all truth,
Be with us in our steps and in our minds,
That your Peace and your Kingdom may rule from within and from our hearts.
That we would operate from the reality of your kingdom,
And not merely out of our instincts and fears.
Guide our beings in the way of goodness and Peace,
Give us but an utterance of Wisdom,
For then we will be full of your Spirit.
This is our calling and our desire.
Greet us now, as we pray,
That all that we are may unite with our longing for all that You are.
Most Beautiful and Holy God, with Christ our Teacher and the Spirit, Holy Wisdom;
one God forever and always we pray, Amen.

Categories: Lenten Meditation