Call Your Member TODAY and Tell them to Vote NO on Drilling in the Arctic!

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives will debate and vote on H.R. 3408, the Protecting Investment in Oil Shale the Next Generation of Environmental, Energy, and Resource Security Act, which opens up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil and gas drilling. The proponents of drilling will attempt to use the revenues derived from activities related to drilling or exploration for oil or gas in ANWR to pay for projects and programs the transportation reauthorization bill.

While we believe that Congress must make needed investments in the nation's transportation infrastructure, we do not believe that we should endanger our environment by sacrificing national treasures such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to do so.

The Episcopal Church has long opposed drilling in the ANWR not only because of our concern for and stewardship of God's creation, but because of our commitment to standing with the Gwich'in Nation, which represents one of the only native Anglican nations in the world. At its 70th General Convention, the Episcopal Church called on the Church to protect the sanctity of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska by opposing the opening of this refuge for oil development.

Call the Capitol Switchboard at 1-800-270-0309 and ask for your Representative.

When you are connected to your member's office these are things that you might say:

  • The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a national treasure that stands alone in its wildness, beauty, and unique recreational opportunities.
  • Please let Representative _____ know that I oppose legislation that would facilitate the opening of the Arctic Refuge for drilling in any way.
  • I am urging Representative _____ to preserve the manifest beauty and dynamic ecosystem of the Arctic Refuge. Please ask Representative ____ to vote NO on H.R. 3408.