Coalition Letter in Support of the President's Budget Request for the State and Foreign Operations Subcommitte

May 23, 2013


The Honorable Barbara Mikulski                                         The Honorable Richard Shelby

Chairwoman                                                                       Ranking Member

Senate Appropriations Committee                                     Senate Appropriations Committee

S-128 Capitol Building                                                        S-146A Capitol Building

Washington, DC 20510                                                      Washington, DC 20510



Dear Senators Mikulski and Shelby,

As you consider the 302(b) allocations for the Senate Appropriations Subcommittees, we ask that you support the President’s budget request funding level of $51.8 billion for the State and Foreign Operations Subcommittee.  Adopting the President’s funding level helps to ensure the highest possible funding for international humanitarian and poverty-focused development assistance for fiscal year 2014.  

The Federal Budget expresses our character and values as a people.  Drastic cuts to international humanitarian and poverty-focused development programs will exacerbate poverty and hunger around the world.  That is why we are deeply concerned that the allocations in the House State Foreign Operations Subcommittee are approximately 19 percent lower than the current fiscal year 2013 levels. 

Many of our organizations and our U.S. constituencies work as humanitarians around the world to alleviate the devastating impact of poverty, disease, humanitarian disasters, violent conflict and environmental degradation. Our efforts are grounded in the common commitment of our faith traditions to alleviate suffering and help all people experience the fullness of life that God intends. 

Many of the programs that our organizations operate overseas are supported through church donations and our associated international development agencies.  This work helps to break the cycles of poverty and introduce productive opportunities for individuals, families, and communities around the world.  U.S. federal humanitarian and poverty-focused development initiatives are an irreplaceable element in our shared commitment to eradicating extreme poverty and greatly multiply life-saving and life-enriching achievements.

Congress must give priority to programs that protect and support the lives and dignity of those most vulnerable and impoverished. Our nation has the resources and the responsibility to support the alleviation and elimination of global poverty, which is why we urge you to adopt the President’s fiscal year 2014 budget request for State and Foreign Operations. 


American Friends Service Committee

American Jewish World Service

Bread for the World

Catholic Relief Services

Children’s Medical Ministries

Church of the Brethren, Office of Public Witness

Church World Service

Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach

Conference of Major Superiors of Men

The Episcopal Church

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Franciscan Action Network

IMA World Health

Leadership Conference of Women Religious

Lutheran World Relief

Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns

Mennonite Central Committee

U.S. Washington Office Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Union for Reform Judaism

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

United Church of Christ, Justice and Witness Ministries

United Methodist Church, General Board of Church and Society

United Methodist Church, Imagine No Malaria Campaign