EPPN Heads to General Convention

This week, the Office of Government Relations team heads to Austin for the 29th General Convention of The Episcopal Church. The resolutions of General Convention guide and direct our work, and as staff, we are pleased to be able to serve as resources for deputies and bishops as they deliberate in the coming weeks.

Before sharing more details about Convention, I want to thank you for your support of the Vigil for Family Unity. The event was powerful–we prayed, reflected, and listened as Episcopalians, Christians, and as a community of faith.

The vigil provided a contrast for many of us to our daily habits of news consumption. We did not quickly jump to the next article or reflexively check our email; instead, we sat together for 12 hard hours, praying for families separated, recognizing the need to reform our immigration system, and remembering that we are living in a time of unprecedented global displacement, with 68.5 million people who have had to leave their homes.

Thousands of you took action–writing Members of Congress, sharing prayers with us, and hosting your own vigils in communities around the country. You can see videos of some of the speakers throughout the day, including four Members of Congress, on our Facebook page, and read Episcopal News Service coverage HERE.

We also want to welcome those of you who have just joined our network, and we invite you to be in conversation with us, learn more about the issues we’re advocating on, and continue to take action by writing your elected officials. 

Below, my colleagues and I will share what’s in store for General Convention 79!

We’re teaming up with Episcopal Migration Ministries to bring our ministries to General Convention! If you’re going to be there, stop by our booth #410 for a chance to learn more about what we do and to take action every day on an issue important to you and to the church.

If you can’t make it to Austin, join the activities on social media—learn and take action with us by engaging on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @TheEPPN.

Booth Features from The EPPN

NRCAT Virtual Reality Experience

For the first few days of Convention, we’re featuring a solitary confinement virtual reality experience from the National Religious Campaign Against Torture to highlight just one problematic aspect of our criminal justice system.

Write Directly to Congress

We’re changing the topic featured in our booth almost every day to give you a chance to take action on important public policy issues. You can take action right from our booth or on your phones. Check out the action schedule:

July 3-6: Criminal Justice Reform

July 7: Peacebuilding

July 8: Domestic Poverty

July 9: Refugee Resettlement

July 10: Immigration

July 11: Environment

Become an Informed Advocate

Come learn about the existing policies of The Episcopal Church and explore our educational resources available online, including the Civil Discourse Curriculum. We strive to keep Episcopalians educated, equipped and engaged to advocate to their elected officials.

Special Appearances

The ministry of advocacy intersects with many other aspects of our church—so be on the lookout for special appearances of our staff and resources at other happenings at General Convention including the Official Youth Presence, the Hutto detention center visit, the Bishops United Against Gun Violence public witness, and the Global Partnerships day at the Episcopal Church Center booth!

Episcopal Migration Ministries

We’re sharing our booth with the Episcopal Church’s refugee resettlement agency. They’ll have their own displays, offerings, give aways and opportunities to engage so don’t miss chance to join in welcoming refugees to the U.S.