Immigration Call-in Day — March 14, 2013

Tell Your Members of Congress You Support Compassionate and Inclusive Immigration Reform in 2013!

Call 1-866-940-2439 on Thursday, March 14 to be connected with your members of Congress.

As Episcopalians, we have pledged to lift up our voices in support of an immigration system that honors the dignity of every human being and protects our families from separation. Thursday, March 14, both the House and Senate will hold hearings on important components of our nation’s immigration system- family separation and enforcement. Let your Senators and Representatives know the type of family and enforcement policies you would like to see enacted this year and demand their support for compassionate and inclusive immigration reform! 

Here’s a sample script you can use, but please feel free to personalize it!

Hi, my name is      NAME      , from CONGREGATION,         CITY, STATE       .

May I please speak with the staff person who handles immigration issues?

I wanted to share with the SENATOR/REPRESENTATIVE that I support common sense, humane immigration reform that prioritizes unity for all families. The right to reunify with one’s family is a fundamental right of U.S. citizenship and a cornerstone of our immigration system. No American should have to choose between the person and the country they love but our current immigration laws force them to do just that. Comprehensive immigration reform is not comprehensive unless it includes all families, including gay and lesbian families, offers a pathway to citizenship, and ends programs like Secure Communities in favor of humane and commonsense enforcement policies. I hope the SENATOR/REPRESENTATIVE will join me in support of families.  What is SHE/HE doing to help enact comprehensive immigration reform this year?


Interested in learning more? Visit the Episcopal Public Policy Network to learn more about our Church’s advocacy in support of compassionate and inclusive immigration reform: