Jayce Farewell

Our Domestic Policy Analyst will be leaving our office soon to go to grad school in California. We will miss you, Jayce! She wishes to share the following message with each of you.

Despite the enduring facade of the U.S. Capitol and all the tradition that it represents, Capitol Hill is the epicenter of change, a space for ideas that ultimately transform our national and international landscape. The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations operates within this dynamic environment where preconceptions, public policy, and human relationships metamorphose.

Over the past nearly five years, I’ve collaborated with Episcopalians working hard to influence the ever-changing political process. Like ripples on a pond, your advocacy initiative spreads outward and reshapes public policy every day. From the Alaskan Native Gwich’in People striving to protect the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to the dauntless Georgian advocate who calls every week to advocate for Medicaid expansion, I’ve been energized and inspired by each of your efforts. Next fall, I will matriculate at the Stanford Graduate School of Business to study social enterprise and climate change mitigation. Throughout this transition, please know that I carry your spirit of intrepid activism. From one advocate to another, thank you for transforming me.