Resources for Juneteenth

Monday, June 19th marks the second anniversary of Juneteenth as a federal holiday. While its recognition is significant, the day presents an opportunity to continue to dismantle racism and white supremacy in the United States and around the world.  As followers of Jesus, we see this work as essential so that we may come closer to a Becoming Beloved Community. Please see the list below of just some of the ways you can advocate through our Racial Reconciliation Ministry.

Justice on Juneteenth

Join the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA with faith leaders, students, and activists for the Justice on Juneteenth March in Washington, DC, on June 19, to protect democracy, end gun violence, and advocate for reparations. Details are in the registration link here.

While we know most in our network will not be able to join in person, you can still take action through the action alerts below:

Protecting Democracy

Urge Congress to Pass Voting Rights Legislation – We urge Congress to make voting reform a priority in this session by defending and expanding access to voting, particularly in response to state legislation that marginalizes certain populations

Ending Gun Violence

Urge Congress to End Gun Violence – We reiterate our urgent call for legislation that will add reasonable restrictions on firearm ownership, require universal background checks, eliminate loopholes, tighten laws against gun trafficking, require gun safety training, fund gun violence prevention programs, and address gun violence as a public health crisis.

Advocating for Reparations

Urge Congress to Advance the Study of Reparations – Since 2006, The Episcopal Church has called for legislation initiating study of and dialogue about the history and legacy of slavery in the United States and of proposals for monetary and non-monetary reparations to the descendants of the victims of slavery. Join in this call now!