Statement on President Biden’s Day One Actions

The Episcopal Church commends President Biden for his commitments to rejoin the Paris Agreement, rescind the Muslim travel ban, and rejoin the World Health Organization (WHO). Many of these policies uphold missional statements of our faith and contend for justice and peace.

Since its creation in 2015, 197 countries have endorsed the Paris agreement. Biden has pledged to reenter the agreement that we formally exited in late 2020, sending in a letter to the United Nations who will formally accept it after thirty days. The Episcopal Church, in partnership with our UN office, has committed to advocating for a fair and ambitious climate treaty, recognizing that this is but one step to tackle the crisis on a global level and to alleviate the disproportionate burden it puts on those facing poverty worldwide.

President Biden has also revoked the travel ban put into place by the Trump Administration on citizens from many Muslim-majority countries. As people of faith, Scripture reminds us of the wrong of oppression against another human being and encourages us to extend compassion for the strangers among us. We must live out of those principles during crisis, seeking to mitigate the pain among those separated from families and their homelands. In accordance with the Baptismal Covenant to love our neighbors as ourselves, The Episcopal Church opposed the Muslim Travel Ban and endorses the repeal of such an order.

Rejoining the WHO upholds Biden’s commitment to fight current and future healthcare crises and strengthen global health through international engagement. The COVID pandemic has illustrated the need for investments in local and global health infrastructure and the role governments play in adequately addressing public health needs. The Episcopal Church has long been engaged in global health work, passing resolutions in response to global health challenges, including HIV/AIDSmaternal and child health, and malaria.