A Note of Thanks to the Church

October 11th, 2000

One of the unexpected blessings of my recent cancer surgery has been the overwhelming outpouring of prayer and affection from so many people both within and beyond the Episcopal Church. I have no doubt that all this good energy released into the heavens on my behalf, and also conveyed to me, has contributed to an amazingly rapid recovery. I am the very grateful recipient of numerous cards and gifts, including a wonderful prayer quilt. One afternoon, having wrapped myself in it, I was reminded of some words from the Song of Songs "His banner over me is love."

The medical news has all been very good, which is an occasion for thanksgiving. The pathology report and extensive testing which I undertook on my own all indicate that the cancer was fully contained. No further treatment is indicated, beyond attending to my own healing from surgery. Being aware that the evil one often tempts us to ascribe to ourselves an invincibility that takes us beyond our capacities, I am being careful not to overstep my physical limits and giving plenty of room for the rest my body needs in order to recover.

A wise physician called me the other day and said that it will take at least six months to make a full recovery. With that in mind, I am seeking to be prudent and intentional about what is done and left undone over the next few months. This is an exercise in discernment as I make choices. Though such discernment is always called for, it is particularly necessary in a time of recovery from major surgery! I would therefore ask you not only to pray for my recovery but for my wisdom in the choices I make.

Please know that my heart is grateful for your prayers and that I pray for all of you. I look forward with joy and anticipation to our life and mission together over these next years.

The Most Reverend Frank T. Griswold
XXV Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church, USA
