Starr Investigation of President Clinton

The Presiding Bishop has made the following response to queries of church members regarding the matter of the Starr investigation of President Clinton.

I respect, and hope that we will honor, the plea of President Clinton for forgiveness. This is rooted in my understanding and experience of God's boundless compassion and mercy. I am deeply mindful that all of us, in various ways, are constantly in need of the grace of forgiveness ourselves.

At the same time, I realize there are very real questions about the implications of the President's actions for the symbolic nature of the Office of President, and the role of the President both as leader of our nation and within the world community. These questions must be addressed carefully and sensitively, and in a non-partisan manner, with the focus clearly on what is best for our nation.

The Most Reverend Frank T. Griswold
XXV Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church, USA
