Advancing to General Convention 2015: exhibitor applications available

Exhibitor applications are now available for organizations and vendors interested in exhibiting at The Episcopal Church’s 78th General Convention, June 25 – July 3, 2015 at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, UT (Diocese of Utah).

The Episcopal Church’s General Convention is held every three years, and is the bicameral governing body of the Church. It is comprised of the House of Bishops, with upwards of 200 active and retired bishops and the House of Deputies, with clergy and lay representatives elected from the 110 dioceses of the Church, at more than 800 members.

Exhibitor applications are available through the General Convention website here 

The Exhibit Area serves as a marketplace and educational arena for attendees.  General Convention Manager Lori M. Ionnitiu explained that General Convention attracts thousands of people of all ages for more than one week which provides a desirable venue for exhibitors. 


For more information contact Ionnitiu at 212-716-6048



The Episcopal Church:

General Convention:

Diocese of Utah:

Salt Palace Convention Center:

Categories: Public Affairs