Episcopal Books and Resources 40% holiday sale is on!

There”s still time to do your Advent and Christmas shopping, and Episcopal Books and Resources, based at the Church Center in New York City, is the place to shop with 40% off all items.

The impressive assortment at Episcopal Books and Resources includes religious as well as secular gift considerations that are unique, special, environmentally friendly: books (current favorites, familiar titles, holiday themes, Bibles); cards; Advent items, including calendars (always in demand this time of year); 2010 calendars; Bishops” Blend coffee and tea; and DVDs, including music and two DVDs from General Convention 2009 (Daily Eucharist Sermons and Daily News Wrap-ups); and handcrafted items from well-known (and well-respected) manufacturers like Ten Thousand Villages, Second Chance, Tree of Life, and Thistle Farms.

Shop at Episcopal Books and Resources online www.episcopalbookstore.org; on the phone 1-800-903-5544; by email at ebr@episcopalchurch.org; or in person at 815 Second Ave, New York City.

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

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