Episcopal Migration Ministries offers Epiphany Curriculum for 2019

Episcopal Migration Ministries is offering an Epiphany Curriculum, which includes free resources to oversee a faithful and meaningful Epiphany 2019.

“As ever, this time of year is when we at Episcopal Migration Ministries pause to remember our own sacred story and the history of our ministry. We remember the Holy Family’s flight to Egypt to escape King Herod’s massacre, when they became refugees desperately seeking safety,” noted Allison Duvall, Manager for Church Relations and Engagement. “We remember those in the Diocese of Southern Ohio who spoke out in support of refugees eighty years ago, in the midst of the heightened anti-immigrant and anti-refugee attitudes that permeated popular culture and politics at the time. We give thanks for their courage and their witness.”

Designed for Adult Christian Formation, the five-lesson Epiphany Curriculum is ideal for congregations, individuals, adult forums, discussion groups, and other church-based gatherings. “We hope and pray that this Epiphany curriculum equips you to live into the ministry of welcome to which we are called, and inspires you to continue building a relationship with EMM in the days, weeks, and months ahead,” Duvall said.

Click here for the Epiphany Curriculum.

Episcopal Migration Ministries is a ministry of the Episcopal Church, and is one of nine national agencies responsible for resettling refugees in the United States in partnership with the government. Episcopal Migration Ministries currently has 14 affiliates in 12 dioceses.