General Convention DVDs now available

DVDs featuring all the sermons and daily highlights of The Episcopal Church”s General Convention 2009 are now available through Episcopal Books and Resources.

The DVDs are ideal for adult forums, Sunday school classes, evangelism, Advent or Lenten reflections, Bible study, discussion groups, or as a commemorative item.

The content of the DVDs originally appeared on the Media Hub, the innovative technology system by the Office of Communications which delivered the full story of the two weeks of General Convention (GC09) through videos, blogging, twitter, flickr, and live webcasting.

GC09 was held July 8 to July 17 at the Anaheim Convention Center in California. General Convention, held every three years, is the bicameral governing body of the church and is comprised of the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies, with clergy and lay representatives from the 110 dioceses.

Sermons from Daily Eucharists

The videos of all the sermons from the daily Eucharists are contained on three DVDs.

“We”ve had hundreds of people ask about the sermons and how they may be able to view them,” explained Mike Collins, director of digital media. “Each preacher was powerful and delivered relevant messages, and we felt it was important to provide a means for sharing these messages.”

The eight preachers ranged from Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams to a popular TV correspondent and an internationally-known activist. The sermons were centered on a designated theme for the day.

The preachers, themes and days were:

Wednesday, July 8: preacher was Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori.

Thursday, July 9: theme was God”s People; preacher was the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Friday, July 10: theme was Unity; preacher was President of the House of Deputies Bonnie Anderson.

Saturday, July 11: theme was Hospitality; preacher was Ray Suarez, senior correspondent for PBS”s NewsHour with Jim Lehrer and formerly of NPR”s Talk of the Nation.

Sunday, July 12 was the main General Convention Eucharist and the Ingathering for the United Thank Offering (UTO), a mission and grant-awarding program of The Episcopal Church. Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori preached.

Monday, July 13: theme was Domestic Poverty; preacher was Courtney Cowart, Director of Advocacy and Community Affairs for the Office of Disaster Response in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana.

Tuesday, July 14: theme was the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); preacher was Abagail Nelson, Senior Vice President of Programs for Episcopal Relief and Development.

Wednesday, July 15: theme was Creation and Environment; preacher was Bishop Steve Charleston, former Dean of Episcopal Divinity School.

Thursday, July 16: theme was Evangelism; preacher was Brian D. McLaren, internationally known speaker and activist and author of important works including Finding Our Way Again, and Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crisis, and a Revolution of Hope.

Friday, July 17: Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori preached at the closing Eucharist.

Daily Video News Wrap-ups

The Daily Wrap DVD features the daily video news wrap-ups produced by The Episcopal Church”s Office of Communication, providing an overview of General Convention from start to finish. The wrap-ups were written and presented by Heidi Shott, Canon for Communications and Social Justice for the Diocese of Maine and a member of the GC09 digital team.

“Each wrap-up told the stories, the news, the highlights and the impacts of that day”s actions,” Collins explained. “The wrap-ups provided the feel and offered the viewers a complete understanding of what it was like to be at GC09 without going to California.”

To purchase

The three-DVD set of Sermons is $20.00. The Daily Wrap DVD is $17.00. A 20% discount is available when buying both or two or more of each. Shipping and handling charges will apply.

To order, contact Episcopal Books and Resources via email at, phone 800 903-5544, or

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

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Categories: Public Affairs