Jubilee Grants awarded for Episcopal Church Mission and Ministry

Ranging from migrant work to international ministries, from the East Coast to the Midwest and the Caribbean, four Jubilee ministries in the Episcopal Church have been awarded grants of $15,000 each to assist them with special initiatives in 2010 towards domestic poverty alleviation.

Jubilee Ministries are congregations or agencies with connections to The Episcopal Church whose mission efforts affect the lives of those in need, addressing basic human needs and justice issues. Grants to Jubilee ministries are awarded annually. http://www.episcopalchurch.org/jubilee.htm

“The work and ministry of these award recipients illustrate the true meaning of Jubilee ministries,” noted the Rev. Christopher A. Johnson, Domestic Justice and Jubilee Ministries. “Their work reaches many people in their communities, and their impact has far-reaching effects.”

The categories and grant recipients for 2010 are:

In Rural Ministries, the recipient is Rural and Migrant Ministry, Diocese of New York. Rural and Migrant Ministry works for justice for New York State rural workers and farmworkers and its Workplace Education Center will provide training for skills and basic rights programs. http://ruralmigrantministry.org/

In Mentorship/Training, the recipient is Emmaus House, Diocese of Atlanta.

Through its Atlanta Urban Intern Program, Emmaus House will mentor girls at risk by addressing issues of exploitation and by providing intervention. https://www.emmaushouseatlanta.org/

In Initiating New Ministries, the recipient is Jubilee Community of Prayer, Learning and Service, Diocese of Iowa. Concentrating on the Episcopal ministry at the University of Northern Iowa, the Jubilee Community of Prayer, Learning and Service will focus on leadership development, commitment to the Gospel and teaching young people a response to poverty. http://www.iowaepiscopal.org/

In International Ministries, the recipient is Servicios Sociales Episcopales, Diocese of Puerto Rico. Directed to adolescents and teenagers, Servicios Sociales Episcopales will present services, awareness and education on the importance of family planning, violence protection, health education. http://www.episcopalpr.org/

Johnson reported that 46 applications were received reflecting requests for $916,960 involving “new and innovative strategies” for “programs that are responsive to poverty issues relating to nutrition, employment, childcare, education, health care, environment, housing, equal protection under law and/or cultural affirmation.”

“All of the applications told the story of the great work being done in The Episcopal Church,” he said. “Each offered a way of doing God”s work on earth.”

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Jubilee ministries http://www.episcopalchurch.org/jubilee.htm

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