Nancy Davidge, Episcopal Church public affairs officer to retire April 30, 2021

Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry announces the upcoming retirement of Nancy Davidge, The Episcopal Church Public Affairs Officer, effective April 30, 2021.  Davidge joined the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society (DFMS) after serving as a public affairs consultant at General Convention in 2018.

“We are thankful to Nancy for her contributions to The Episcopal Church, including establishing a project management approach to the Office of Communication’s work, growing strong, positive relationships with national/international, traditional/non-traditional, religious and secular media outlets, and strengthening connections with Episcopal communicators throughout The Church,” said the Rev. Deacon Geoffrey Smith, chief operating officer for The Episcopal Church.  “Presiding Bishop Curry credits her with successfully and effectively transitioning his office’s voice to its on-line presence during the COVID-19 pandemic and shut-down of travel.  We pray God’s blessing on her in her new life chapter of retirement.”

“I am grateful for the opportunity to serve on the Presiding Bishop’s staff and appreciate being a part of a group of committed people who, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit a year ago, pivoted to finding ways for our Church to continue to be church,” said Davidge. “In times such as these, our faith and our commitment to follow Jesus and his Way of Love, provides hope, comfort, and strength.”

A search for Davidge’s successor has begun. Information about this full-time position and details for applying are available here

Categories: staff