New research document available: Episcopal Congregations Overview

Based on data received from a comprehensive survey of churches, the Episcopal Congregations Overview featuring updated facts and figures about congregations, programs and practices in the Episcopal Church have been posted here

This information, available for downloading at no fee, can provide important and needed data to congregational efforts for growth, stewardship, fundraising, recruitment etc. Copies are being sent to all participating congregations and dioceses.

The research was compiled by Dr Kirk Hadaway, Episcopal Church Congregational Research Officer.

Topics included in the Episcopal Congregations Overview include: Parishes and their Settings; Worship; Members; Recruitment and Evangelism; Programs Practices and ministries; Conflict; Leadership; and Congregational Identity.


Available documents

Along with Survey Reports: Congregations Overview: 2014, other documents available include:  

Domestic Fast Facts: 2013

Domestic Fast Facts Trends: 2009-2013

Statistical Totals for the Episcopal Church by Province: 2012-2013

Statistical Totals for the Episcopal Church by Province and Diocese: 2012-2013

Membership and Attendance Totals for the Episcopal Church: 2013


Additional information is located on the Episcopal Church Research page here






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Research page:



Categories: Public Affairs