Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music provides important resources, materials online

Note: The following contains Episcopal Church lingo and terms. Check the websites listed at the end for full explanations.

The Episcopal Church Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (SCLM) has posted important materials and resources online, offering easy access and free downloading for a myriad of references, resolutions, prayers, etc, on Resolution C056, “Liturgies for Blessings.”

Digital Archives

Materials, resolutions and transcripts are easily and readily available through the SCLM Digital Archives at

General Convention 2009 (GC09) Resolution C056, “Liturgies for Blessings,” called for the SCLM to gather and develop theological and liturgical resources for the blessing of same gender relationships. As a result, an online resource area was developed, in partnership with the Archives of the Episcopal Church.

The materials are presented in the four categories: Diocesan Resources; Liturgy and Worship; Church-Wide Resources; and Work of the Commission. Additionally, the resources prepared as a result of the Church-Wide Consultation in March in Atlanta are available in English and in Spanish.

According to the website: This SCLM Digital Archive at The Archives of the Episcopal Church is meant to serve as an information resource to the House of Bishops, provinces, dioceses, congregations, church members and any interested members of the general public. These resources include collected liturgies, official statements of the Church, work of the Commission and more. These resources are for educational purposes only.

Holy Women, Holy Men

Holy Women, Holy Men, a major revision of Lesser Feasts and Fasts, is now available online, among the documents for the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music.

This posting is in response to GC09 Resolution A089 which asked that “liturgical and musical resources be made widely available not only in print but also in electronic format on the internet.”

Trial use of Holy Women, Holy Men continues through June 30, 2011. SCLM is soliciting views, opinions and feedback on Holy Women, Holy Men. To post an opinion:

Additionally, an online survey to assist in gathering feedback is available through June 30, 2011:

After compiling the data derived from the survey, SCLM will prepare a comprehensive report on the usage and people’s experiences with Holy Women, Holy Men for the 77th General Convention in 2012 in Indianapolis, IN.

For more information contact SCLM at

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Episcopal Church Standing Committee on Liturgy and Music:

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Categories: Public Affairs