Traveling the Way of Love Episode 4: Turn

Traveling the Way of Love, Episode 4: Turn, the latest installment of a new video series from The Episcopal Church Office of Communication, premieres July 23, 3:00pm EDT on The Episcopal Church website and on The Episcopal Church Facebook page.

Hosted by Chris Sikkema, the Office of Communication’s manager for special projects, Traveling the Way of Love shares stories of the ways people across The Episcopal Church practice the Way of Love with each episode highlighting one of the seven Way of Love practices: turn, learn, pray, worship, bless, go, and rest. This fourth episode focuses on Turn. 

In this episode, Sikkema asks the Rev. Becca Stevens, founder and president of Thistle Farms, “Do you have any stories in your own personal life about turning?” Tune in to hear Stevens’ story of how a question from her young son empowered her to take her dream of “communities for women that were justice-oriented” from someday to reality.

Three additional episodes are planned for 2019; watch for them in September, October and November. Each episode is built around one of the seven practices central to The Way of Love: turn, learn, pray, worship, bless, go, rest.

Want to be notified when a new episode is released? Sign up here and Episcopal Cinema/YouTube here.

Episodes are closed-captioned.

This episode was made possible by Forward Movement in partnership with The Episcopal Church Office of Communication.