TREC announces information about Study Papers

The Task Force for Re-Imagining the Episcopal Church (TREC) has announced information about Study Papers and its Engagement Kit.

With the release of the first Study Paper, the following was issued by the members of TREC.


A note regarding TREC Study Papers

Over the next few months, TREC will be offering a series of study papers as a means by which to stimulate conversation and seek input from the larger church. We are working hard at the work the church has given us to do but also know that many of the insights and ideas that will help to “re-imagine the church” will come from stories and perspectives outside of our 25 members of our TREC team.

We call these documents Study Papers, because they study an issue or offer a new approach to a particular dimension of the structure, governance or administration of the church. As such, we hope they are constructive and thought provoking.

We ask that the church community respond along several dimensions: provide clarity, where there may be factual mistakes; but more importantly, to provide perspectives, analysis, alternatives and action steps.

We ask you to respond in whatever way feels comfortable and constructive for you: email a TREC member privately, email TREC through our common address (, respond publicly by posting on our website, use your name or a pseudonym, write papers we can use and incorporate, or make comments on specific points. You might like to post on the website in which you are reading this, or go to our home website at

We will read and listen to all of the input we receive. We will not and cannot be responding directly to you, simply because we are each personally limited by time and energy. (We are volunteers). But do know that whatever you say or contribute is received with gratitude. We view each person who responds to us as partnering with us. Thank you.




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