2021 Annual Report Series: 2021 Ingathering

by UTO Board Executive Committee

As the UTO Board and staff continue to think back on 2021, we want to share our reflections, successes, failures, and goals as we move forward in this new year. Each month in the e-newsletter, you’ll find an article from our 2021 Annual Report. Once it is ready, the entire annual report will be shared with you digitally, and a special version will be distributed at General Convention. In the meantime, articles will be posted on our website here: https://unitedthankoffering.com/annualreport/

Ingathering 2021

Total Ingathering$521,201.89
Emery Trust$64,000.00
Trust Funds and Returned Grant Monies$465,952.25
Total Granted$1,051,154.14

 UTO Board 2021

Wright Trust$38,968.32
Bell Trust$32,644.60 
Memorial Trust Fund$274,731.40 
Total Income from Trust Funds$346,344.32
Staff Expenses$201,386.69 
Board Expenses$15,000.00 
Office Expenses$7,729.81 
Educational Materials & Distribution$79,176.77 
General Convention$21,962.63 
Total Expenses$325,255.90

Excess Trust Fund Income over Expenses                          $21,088.42
Contributions to Memorial Trust Fund                              $10,599.97

In 2021, the UTO Board and staff intentionally focused on evaluating where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going. So much of the world shifted with COVID-19, including UTO. This year we laid a solid foundation for the future of UTO and set ourselves up to change with the world. We poured energy into a virtual community with book clubs, discussion groups, and UTO webinars. We prioritized leadership training through Dare to Lead training and anti-racism training. We reimagined communication with UTO coordinators by sending out comprehensive mailings and hosting Zoom sessions. We focused on community and partnerships; we partnered with the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts for a Celebration of Gratitude, the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama for the Great EpisGOpal Race, and the Evangelism and Creation Care teams for a General Convention event. We developed and published new gratitude materials including a liturgy booklet and prayer booklet. We appointed new board members, one new staff member, and hired our first male intern, Nick. And for the first time, UTO hosted two grant cycles in one year to provide desperately needed COVID relief. 

In 2021, the UTO Ingathering was $1,051,154.14. We received $10,599.97 in contributions to the Memorial Trust Fund. Our total income from trust funds was $346,344.32, and our expenses totaled $325,255.90, leaving us with an excess of $21,088.42, which will roll over to 2022.