Coordinators Newsletter

By Sherri Dietrich, UTO Board President

The UTO Board and staff are always looking for better ways to support our UTO coordinators in their important work of promoting participation. We currently have a Facebook Group for UTO coordinators to share information and receive updates throughout the month, but beginning in March, we will begin putting out a second newsletter specifically for coordinators. This communication will supplement the E-News, offering specific help and ideas on promoting gratitude within a UTO coordinator’s context. Many UTO coordinators receive emails from the province representative of their area, and it is our hope that this continues, while this newsletter will offer pertinent information to everyone at the same time to ensure all are included.

We also want to hear from you. If you would like to submit something for the Coordinators E-News, just email it to Heather and she’ll add it in. This can be as simple as an idea that is working for you, sample presentations or sermons, or ways to connect with people around gratitude.

If you are a UTO coordinator, you will receive an email asking you to confirm your addition to the list for the coordinators email, so please respond yes! If you do not receive an invitation, check your spam or junk folder first, and if still not there, then please contact Heather so she can send you a new invitation. The first Coordinators E-News will go out around St. Patrick’s Day, so if you’ve not gotten the sign-up email by March 15, please do be in touch.