General Convention/Triennial Updates: Workshops and Joining from Home

By UTO Workshop Team

As the UTO Board and staff continue to plan for our time together this July, we want to share as many updates as we can with the understanding that given the ongoing pandemic, something may change as we go along to accommodate changes from the General Convention Office and Executive Council.  Each month in the e-newsletter, you’ll find an update on where things are with UTO plans for Convention. In the meantime, the most up-to-date information will be posted on this page on our website.  

Many of you have been asking about our workshop offerings for General Convention/Triennial, and we are so grateful for your patience while we were waiting for the triennial schedule to finalize our plans. Next month, we will release the workshop booklet with all the presenters and descriptions of the workshops, but this month we want to give you the dates and time so you can mark your calendars. We will also update the calendar each month with any new offerings, or as plans are solidified. 

All UTO-sponsored events and activities will be held on the weekend of Convention. The full draft schedule is up on the UTO Convention webpage. One additional change this year: We will not be printing handouts, in support of the “green” resolutions passed for General Convention. All handouts will be available digitally or for download for those who prefer to have things in print. The handouts will be available prior to Convention for those who wish to print a copy to bring with you to the workshop.

Not coming to Baltimore? Not to worry! We are asking everyone to register for the free UTO offerings (even if you’re staying at home). That will help us make sure you get the content as soon as it is ready. We will be recording the presentations and putting them onto the webpage after Convention so you can still participate or go back and watch them again. Our hope is to be able to offer the workshops simultaneously on Zoom, but we are still determining if there will be enough internet access available. Everything that will be offered in Baltimore, with the exception of the UTO/Good News Gardens Event, will be available for those at home. You’ll even have your own scavenger hunt, complete with prizes. We know the experience won’t be the same, but we’re going to try and make it as meaningful as we can for all those interested in attending, so please do sign up for the at-home version next month when registration opens.