Go in Gratitude – Together! The Great EpisGOpal Race! October 14-23

By Isabelle Watkins, UTO Staff 

One of the best ways to participate in this year’s Great EpisGOpal Race is with your community! There is endless joy and purpose found within a community intentionally practicing gratitude. You could form a team with your family, hike together, and share your individual and communal thanksgivings. You could form a team with your parish, walk around your church neighborhood, and count the ways you’re grateful for the community you have there. And the gratitude doesn’t have to end with the race! You can continue to join with your team to go on walks or share a meal and be each other’s gratitude accountability partners—help each other see the blessings in your own life.

No matter where you go or who you go with for this year’s EpisGOpal Race, don’t forget to go in gratitude. You can race anytime between Oct. 13-23 in any way you choose. Registration is $15, and the funds raised will be shared between UTO and Episcopal Migration Ministries. Register here