Julia Chester Emery Feast Day Celebration

By Heather Melton, UTO Staff Officer

January 9 marks the Feast Day of our founder, Julia Chester Emery. Her feast day often gets lost in the post-holiday shuffle, but she was a remarkable person so we want to make sure we remember her. Please join us for a zoom Evening Prayer honoring Julia Chester Emery on Monday, Jan. 9 at 7 p.m. Eastern Time. We will share some of the stories that were shared at her memorial service, in addition to the images that we have of her. In her honor, we will be releasing some retro UTO items as part of the service. There will also be time for people to share words of gratitude for the life and legacy of Julia Chester Emery. Please join us, whether or not you know anything about Miss Emery—we hope it will be a wonderful celebration of her life.

Register in advance for the Jan 9, 7 p.m. Eastern Time Evening Prayer