News From You!

Note: One of the main struggles for UTO members outside the United States is getting UTO materials, due to the high cost of shipping. We are sharing this story (and photos) as a reminder that, if you know folks who are traveling to dioceses outside the U.S., please investigate whether you can send some UTO materials with them to drop off at the local church they are working with, or at the diocesan office if they are simply going on vacation.

Dear Heather,
My Deacon friend, Phyllis, in Guatemala, asked me if I could get some UTO bags for her ladies, as they just about ripped hers from her when she went back after our Diocesan Convention! I got a half dozen to her, and she sent me these photos! Enjoy!!

Dear Joanna,
Thank you a million times over! The bags were a major hit. It was just a lovely day. My friend, a newly ordained priest, blessed them and presented them to the ladies. They were dressed in UTO blue and white and planned a great lunch. They loved the bags. They were delighted that they have [a] sister in the Episcopal/Anglican Church and UTO who loves them enough to send them gifts. Thank you for letting me be your hands while you share God’s love.

* Emails are shared with permission of all involved.