Read Along with UTO: Dare to Lead by Brené Brown

As many of you know, I am a big fan of Brené Brown and her teaching on shame, resilience, vulnerability, and gratitude. I find it helpful and challenging. (I’ve even taken her online parenting class, which was really useful.) Dr. Brown, an Episcopalian, has come out with a new book that looks at how we lead. Since many of us are leaders in our churches, in our communities, or within UTO, I felt like this would be a great book to read and then discuss together as a group via Zoom. The book is just under 300 pages, and I know we all read at different rates, so go get the book today and then we’ll gather in January to discuss it. I look forward to reading the book and hearing your thoughts! If you aren’t familiar with Brené Brown, be sure to check out her TED Talks to get you started.

Categories: UTO Reads