Upcoming webinars

by Heather Melton, UTO Staff Officer

Sept. 13 at Noon Eastern: Gratitude + LGTBQ+

This workshop, led by the Rev. Rowan Larson and other members of TransEpiscopal, will focus on the role of gratitude in fostering joy, hope, and strength in the face of oppression. Participants will hear testimony and engage in a discussion of how gratitude can also help foster more welcoming spaces for LGBTQ+ people. 

Rowan Larson (they/them) is a recently ordained priest in the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts serving at Grace Episcopal Church in Newton as curate for formation and mission. They have a particular ministerial interest in the formation of children, youth, and young adults, and theology of and for LGBTQ+ people of all ages. Rowan serves on the board of the United Thank Offering (Province I representative), the board of the Province I Episcopal Church Women, and the leadership team of TransEpiscopal. 

Register in advance for this meeting here.

Gratitude + Difference

Oct. 18 at Noon Eastern

What if we understood that unity doesn’t mean uniformity? What if we saw each other’s uniqueness as valuable, as something to be grateful for? What would it feel like to be welcomed as you are without folks trying to change you? What would it feel like to be received in a congregation as a gift?  Join us as we explore Lakota concepts of difference, ability, and community. We will discuss how our differences are what protect us and the dangers of uniformity.

The Reverend Isaiah “Shaneequa” Brokenleg (she/her) is an enrolled member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe (Sicangu Nation).  She is an Episcopal priest in the Diocese of South Dakota.  From a cultural perspective, she believes we are all related and, as such, we are all called to be “good relatives” to one another.  As a winktè, Shaneequa is called to be a healer and move communities in the direction of positive change.  From an academic perspective, she has a Master of Public Health degree, as well as a Master of Divinity degree from Church Divinity School of the Pacific.  Shaneequa is the staff officer for racial reconciliation at The Episcopal Church.  She is passionate about social justice and working to end the structural oppression/violence that hurts us all.

Register in advance for this meeting here.