UPDATE: UTO Pre-Convention Packet and Registration!

Thank you to the 60 people who have already filled out our online form to register for workshops and the UTO Ingathering and to update your information. We’ve sent out 15 certificates to dioceses to thank those UTO coordinators whose terms have come to an end, which we learned about through your registration. If you haven’t registered yet, please do, as it saves us from needing to call to find out whom to expect during the Ingathering and helps us create the first UTO membership database. The direct link is https://goo.gl/forms/tL8CDBISOQUVY23X2. As promised, we did a drawing to encourage people to register by May 15. Congratulations to Alyce from Central Pennsylvania who won the drawing. It’s not too late to register, however! Fill out the form by June 15 and you will be entered to win a prize along with everyone who didn’t win in the first drawing!

As General Convention draws closer, we get better information and more details, so we’ve updated the pre-convention packet. We are really excited about some of the new things that are coming together as Convention draws closer! Here are the updates:

  1. Ingathering Date Changed – Seasoned Convention goers will tell you that this year’s Convention schedule looks a lot different than it has in the past. For one thing, we’ll be attending worship in the evening instead of in the morning. Also, the Sunday morning worship has shifted over the last few months, as the liturgy committee and the planning committee finalize details. On Sunday morning, Convention attendees are invited to worship in local congregations, as the main worship service will be held the previous night at the Revival. As such, the UTO Ingathering will be held during the Friday evening worship service. This service will have the traditional procession of UTO and bishops and the Ingathering collection. We will utilize the same process we used in Salt Lake City. There will be a rehearsal, but it has not been scheduled yet. Each person will be given a card with a number on it to help us line up easily and quickly. During the rehearsal, each diocese will be given the list of every grant it has been awarded from 1883 to 2018, as well as its updated 2018 Ingathering amount.
  2. UTO Text to Give – The Development Office has set up a way that people can “text to give” to UTO. Feeling grateful? Simply send a text to make your thank offering through the end of Convention. Just text UTOGC to 41444 or https://app.mobilecause.com/form/ZTqhdQ.
  3. UTO Blue Box App Launch Party – Be sure to check out Kayla’s article about the Blue Box App Launch Party and the flyer in the updated pre-convention packet!
  4. Food at the UTO Booth – we just learned that we can no longer give out food samples at the Presiding Bishop’s booth and we are super sad about that, but the venue for the Blue Box party was more than happy to accommodate our Blue Corn Ice Cream, so be sure to come to the event!