Hombres en la Iglesia

Quiénes Somos

Hombres en la Iglesia

Los hombres, además de compartir roles activos en el mantenimiento y operación de la iglesia, están buscando maneras de desarrollar una relación más profunda con Jesucristo, para hacerse más como Cristo, para convertirse en discípulos.

The Brotherhood of Saint Andrew is an international ministry to men and boys in the Anglican / Episcopal Church. The Brotherhood was founded in 1883, and was incorporated in 1908 by an Act of Congress, signed by President Theodore Roosevelt. The Boy Scouts of America, and the Brotherhood are the only two organizations incorporated by an act of Congress. The incorporation of the Brotherhood reads: “The sole purpose of the Brotherhood is the spread of Christ’s Kingdom.” The mission of the Brotherhood is to bring men and boys into the deepest possible relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ by following the rules of prayer, study, and service. 

Veteran Friendly Congregations supports returning servicemen
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is drawing on its rich history of supporting servicemen and women by leading the creation of Veteran Friendly Congregations.


Support for Men’s Ministry: D045


The Brotherhood of Saint Andrew
National Coalition of Ministries to Men
Man in the Mirror
Mens Ministry in the Diocese of Arizona
Lutheran Men in Mission
United Methodist Men
Resurrection Happens, Even for Men
The Brotherhood of Saint Andrew: Video

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