Reporting Misconduct in The Episcopal Church
The Episcopal Church has a longstanding commitment to addressing misconduct. Title IV of The Episcopal Church’s Canons, or governing rules, sets out standards of conduct for all ordained people in the church and provides a process for addressing allegations of misconduct.
Prevention: Safe Church, Safe Communities Training
Safe Church, Safe Communities training is available through Praesidium Academy. Learn more here
How to Report Misconduct
Misconduct by priests and deacons: These complaints are addressed at the diocesan level. Complaints against priests or deacons may be directed to the intake officer of the diocese where the misconduct occurred or where the priest or deacon is canonically resident. Find the relevant Episcopal diocese here.
Misconduct by bishops: The Rev. Barbara Kempf serves as intake officer for complaints against bishops. She is the primary contact for receiving allegations of misconduct by bishops and serves as a member of the Title IV reference panel for bishops and case manager for misconduct cases. Contact Barbara Kempf
Process for Title IV matters involving bishops
Click the titles below for more information.
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