Easter was last Sunday – now what do we do?

Easter isn’t just a day.

The Season of Easter provides 50 days in which we have the opportunity to engage our children in the story of the Risen Christ in new ways.

Candle Press offers the To Go series which you can send by e-mail or print out to hand out or send by snail mail. (Some churches include them in their e-newsletters.) You could send the whole set, or, better, send a page a week or so.

Easter – the Season would be a good place to start. A set of three that would take you well into the summer would be Easter – the Season, Pentecost, and Summertime – Cycle C.

Each of these To Go sets invites the family to engage with one seasonally appropriate Bible passage, wonder a bit about what it says to them right where they are, and then suggests a variety of activities from which to choose. The activities can be done at a meal, at bedtime — and some of them even in a car.

Find out more on the Candle Press website.