It's Time to Think About Summer

For some of us the snow keeps piling up…so what better time to start thinking about summer?

Here are a few Vacation Bible School curriculums from Leader Resources that have been recommended to me:

Aslan is on the Move! Using an animated version of C.S. Lewis’ timeless The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, this five-session or weekend program offers participants an opportunity to experience the story through imaginative role-playing, games and discussion.

Wild Willy and the Prodigal SonWild Willy’s Candy Factory is based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a children’s book by Roald Dahl, published in 1964. This resource was originally conceived as a five-week series to be used in a mid-week program for children during Lent, but it can be adapted to other formats and uses, such as Sunday School or VBS.

Wizards and Wonders. Based on the Harry Potter books, this five session program brings your whole church family together for fun and learning. Through drama, crafts and games, participants connect the hero’s story to Bible stories. In an engaging set of experiences, mirroring some of Harry’s, you will explore issues of identity, alliances, team work, spiritual gifts, life’s direction, temptations, moral choices, courage and faith.

Praying All the Time. This creative program teaches children about different forms of prayer using wonderful children’s books — classics such as Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar and works by Tomie dePaola, as well as new favorites like the marvelous Old Turtle by Douglas Wood. Originally conceived as a Lenten program for children, this 5-session program also works beautifully for VBS.

A few weeks back I also shared this post about VBS reviews from Virginia Theological Seminary. Have a look for more info on possibilities.

So, what you thinking about for summer?

Do you have VBS plans? Share them in the comments below.