More Resources for Adult Ed during Lent

Just today I received an update from Leader Resources on additional resources available for Lent. I’m trying to pass them along as I receive them in hopes they will be helpful to you in putting together your Lenten program.

Here are some I thought might be most useful:

  • Words of Truth, Words of Life helps us explore the meanings of Jesus’ seven last words so that we can be closer to him in his experience, so that his courage and fidelity can give meaning to our lives. These 5 sessions can be used in 60 or 90 minute formats; appropriate for adults or youth.
  • Create In Us a New Heart is a collection of Lent resources including a program to learn about and create Stations of the Cross, a set of Holy Week Services for children (including a Children’s Stations of the Cross) and adults and meditations on the Stations, one which can be printed as Lent Booklets for distribution to your congregation.
  • Six Smooth Stones introduces you to five spiritual practices that can be used for Lent or any time of the year: Spiritual Reading, Prayer of Attentiveness (Contemplation), Fasting, Works of Kindness (mercy) and Worship in Community and includes an introduction to the Triduum (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil).
  • Stumbling Into the Sacred offers short meditations about the day-to-day business of living and invites us to take time to discover the holiness of each moment we’re given.  Perfect for group settings as well as personal use by families or individuals, you’ll find many different ways to enjoy this book during Lent or anytime you want to remind yourself to see the sacred in each day.