SPEAK OUT SUNDAY is November 24

The United Nations has designated Monday, November 25 as “International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.” This kicks off the Center for Women’s Global Leadership’s 16 Days of Activism Against Violence Against Women, observed from November 25 through December 11.

SPEAK OUT SUNDAY, November 24, is the faith community’s way of uniting with and amplifying these global efforts.

SPEAK OUT SUNDAY is the perfect opportunity to empower your congregation to take action to prevent and address gender based violence (GBV). Though the topic may be sensitive, people of faith must use our voices against violence, abuse, oppression, trafficking and other forms of GBV.

  • Planning a SPEAK OUT SUNDAY Service? Register with Episcopal Relief & Development HERE.
  • You can also share your information HERE to publicize your event on the We Will Speak Out website.
  • To learn more about Episcopal Relief & Development and Gender Based Violence go HERE.
  • Background and history of We Will Speak Out.

To get started, you might want to participate in the upcoming SPEAK OUT SUNDAY Live Briefing Webinar, Wednesday, November 6, 2013 from 9am-10am (EST).  More information about SPEAK OUT SUNDAY and the Webinar is on Episcopal Relief & Development website. Click HERE to visit the site now.

Is your faith community participating in SPEAK OUT SUNDAY? If you are, share your plans and ideas here.