What are you doing for World Mission Sunday?

This Sunday, February 10, is World Mission Sunday – a time when the church comes together to focus on the global impact of our call to “seek and serve Christ in all persons” (Baptismal Covenant, Book of Common Prayer, p. 305).

In 2013, World Mission Sunday will focus on the ministries of the missionaries of the Episcopal Church.

The Rev. David Copley talks about mission in his sermon for World Mission Sunday, featured this past week on the Sermons That Work Website:

“The word ‘mission’ comes from the Latin verb mittere ‘to be sent out’; mission is about being sent out. But what are we being sent out to do, and where are we expected to go?

“The mission that we are all called into as Christians is the mission of God. This mission is most succinctly articulated in our Baptismal Covenant and in particular the last two questions of the covenant:

  • ‘Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?’
  • ‘Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?’

“To which we declare, ‘I will, with God’s help.’

“These two simple promises are excellent guides as we reflect upon what God is calling us to do, and how we should faithfully respond.”

World Mission Sunday is an ideal focus for Sunday School lessons, adult education, discussions and forums, prayers of the people and other events in the life of a congregation and diocese.

I can imagine that World Mission Sunday might lead to creative mission-based lessons across the church.

What are you planning to do for World Mission Sunday?