What is on Your Fall Reading List?

A couple of books have come to my attention that I thought you might be interested in:

The much anticipated, The Spiritual Guidance of Children: Montessori, Godly Play and the Future, by Jerome Berryman, is being released October 1.  Here’s the description:

This new book is an important “history-of-traditions” work in which Godly Play founder Jerome Berryman re-visions religious education as spiritual guidance and traces the history of Montessori religious education through four generations. Berryman then highlights the development of the Godly Play approach to spiritual guidance within this context and concludes with thoughts about the fifth generation and the future of the tradition. 

Click HERE to read a sample.

Reframing Hope: Vital Ministry in a New Generation, by Carol Howard Merritt, discusses what ministry in, with, and by a new generation might look like. From the online book description:

What does the substance of hope look like right now? What does hope look like when it is framed in a new generation? Merritt believes that if we can manage to navigate many of these important shifts, the years ahead are full of hope, but only if we recognize and welcome the changes that will come and open ourselves to what new adaptations will bring to us.

The Kindle Edition is now available for $9.99.

Also, doing a little planning ahead, Sharon Ely Pearson (editor) has a book scheduled for release later this fall, The Episcopal Christian Educator’s Handbook. Here’s the teaser:

The Episcopal Handbook Taps into and expands on the most accessed pages of the Building Faith website and its online resource room. This field guide is a trusted companion and toolbox for anyone who teaches children, youth, or adults in a congregational setting, it includes handy forms, teaching tidbits, plus important information on “all things Episcopal,” sprinkled with humor and advice on how to handle many of the situations that occur in a teaching setting.

At $13.50, this would be a thoughtful and useful Christmas gift for your teachers.

Church Publishing maintains a website page for discerning what books you may wish to tap into for upcoming studies. You might also find  this useful for figuring out what book to read next.

So, what books are on your reading list? Share yours in the comments below.