New ways available to give to The Episcopal Church

Fresh opportunities to share and support the work of The Episcopal Church are now available through Online Giving.

Under the auspices of Mission Funding, The Episcopal Church is providing this service for the first time. Citing ease, effectiveness and efficiency, Mission Funding director the Rev. Susan McCone explained, “Online Giving is designed for the donor to contribute for a cause, in someone”s name, all in determining a personal amount. There are no minimums or maximums. Rather, Online Giving is a new avenue for participation.”

She added, “Online Giving appeals to the online community as well as to those who recognize the convenience and efficiency of the process.”

An eye-catching red button – Give to the Episcopal Church – guides the donor through the safe, secure process.

A special feature allows for donations to be offered for births, memorials, or for other special occasions. “It offers someone the opportunity to honor or remember a loved one with a gift that supports the mission of The Episcopal Church,” McCone said.

Donors can earmark the use of funds in key mission and ministry areas: Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society Endowment Fund, an endowed fund that contributes income to the Church”s budget; The Episcopal Church Fund, an unrestricted fund that provides general financial support for the current work of the wider Church; the Archives New Building Fund, an unrestricted fund to support the purchase of land and building costs for a new archives and mission research center in Austin, Texas; United Thank Offering, a program that distributes domestic and international grants, directly impacting the lives of women and children and addressing compelling human need; and the St. Ives Fund, providing financial support for the legal costs associated with preserving and defending the church's property.

Easy Access

The process is easy – simply click on the red “Give to the Episcopal Church” button located on various pages on Church”s website:

– The Episcopal Church website homepage:;


– United Thank Offering (UTO);

– and the Mission Funding Archives page

McCone stressed the security of the system, assuring that personal information will be safe. Also, she promised, donor information will not be shared, sold or compromised.

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 110 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

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Categories: Public Affairs