Showing Up for Each Other: Conversations with Episcopal Missionaries

Join members of YASC and EVIM for new webinar series

The Episcopal Church Global Partnerships Office presents a new webinar series, Showing Up for Each Other: Conversations with Episcopal Missionaries, this November and December.  Members of the Young Adult Service Corps (YASC) and Episcopal Volunteers in Mission (EVIM) will share stories and lessons they have learned through walking alongside partners across the worldwide Anglican Communion.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed lives all over the world and continues to do so. For some Episcopal missionaries, this has meant an abrupt return to their homes and lingering questions about when going back to their placements will be possible. For others, it’s meant sheltering in place alongside their host communities. The webinar series offers a way for Episcopal missionaries to share their stories with the wider church.

“We are excited about this opportunity to introduce the wider Episcopal Church to some of the incredibly dedicated missionaries who serve on our behalf,” said Elizabeth Boe, mission personnel officer of The Episcopal Church, “Missionary service is first and foremost a faith decision. We hope that by exploring these webinar topics in conversation with people who are currently serving – or who’ve been home for a while – Episcopalians will learn more about the blessings and challenges of missionary service that transcend the geographic location or specific work missionaries engage in.”

This webinar series will include conversations with YASC and EVIM members who have served in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East. All of the conversations will be moderated by people who have also served with either YASC or EVIM. As the two main programs that support those who feel called to serve as missionaries, YASC offers yearlong opportunities for young adults ages 21-30, and EVIM offers a more time-flexible option for adults ages 31 and older.

Webinars will be hosted on Zoom and will be available on-demand afterwards.

Register here for the following dates and topics:

  • November 30, 2020, 3:00pm EST – Spirituality
  • December 7, 2020, 3:00pm EST – Transformation
  • December 14, 2020, 3:00pm EST – Community

For more information about the YASC and EVIM missionary programs, contact Elizabeth Boe, mission personnel officer, (212) 716-6381.