United Thank Offering virtual triennial Ingathering collects over $4M

The United Thank Offering held its triennial Ingathering ceremony virtually during the 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church in Baltimore, Maryland, on July 10. The 2018-2020 offering totaled $4,150,926.77, an increase of more than $375,000 over last triennium.

Ingathering funds were fully awarded as grants to support evangelism, COVID-19 relief, and creation care initiatives.

The first thank offering was collected during worship at General Convention in the early 1900s and has been part of The Episcopal Church’s triennial gathering ever since. The 80th General Convention—delayed a year due to COVID-19—had fewer days and attendees in an effort to minimize health issues.

“Recognizing the need for safety for all those involved in the legislative business of The Episcopal Church, we are holding the 2018-2020 Ingathering virtually and a year later,” UTO Board President Sherri Dietrich told ceremony participants on Zoom. “We do so in solidarity with and to recognize the hard work of UTO leaders and members who found new ways of encouraging gratitude while our church buildings were closed, and diocesan conventions held online.”

The nine Episcopal Church provinces, as well as Ingatherings from groups not associated with a province, gathered the following amounts to support the United Thank Offering:

Province One: $131,444.36
Province Two: $342,500.44
Province Three: $558,582.41
Province Four: $688,400.12
Province Five: $238,122.21
Province Six: $171,619.84
Province Seven: $198,419.81
Province Eight: $258,674.09
Province Nine: $35,166.54
Other Ingatherings from the staff of the presiding bishop, covenant and bilateral partners: $66,907.34

Every penny given to the United Thank Offering is distributed annually in grant funding to missions and ministries seeking to live Jesus’ way of love. More than $140 million has been awarded to more than 5,300 projects since UTO began in 1880, supporting staff positions, conferences, creation of educational resources, building projects, and much more. Learn more about UTO at episcopalchurch.org/uto.