Anglican Theological Review: Gratitude Edition

By Sherri Dietrich, United Thank Offering Board President

As many of you remember, UTO hosted its first Gratitude Scholars Conference in March 2020. While the pandemic altered our plans, the conference itself was amazing. We are so thankful to the scholars who pivoted quickly to meeting online and to all who joined us on Zoom. More than 500 people listened to the presentations and discussions. Since then, many of you have watched the presentation videos, discussed them in small groups, or asked when the papers will be available. The good news is that as I write this, the “Gratitude” edition of the Anglican Theological Review is being printed. We will have a limited number of copies available at the distribution center; however, every UTO diocesan coordinator in our database will receive a copy in the mail (so make sure you’re in the database!). If you are not a diocesan coordinator and want to make sure you get a copy, please email Heather and she can add you to the list.