News From You! Ideas on Growing UTO Participation from the Diocese of Washington

Mathy Milling Downing shared with us: “I sent a personal letter to every parish in our Diocese in Washington. The response has been great! I’m doing my fourth presentation on Saturday. I’ve developed complete ‘toolkits’ for beginning UTO and have encouraged each parish to give as part of almsgiving and gratefulness during Lent. I hope we are fruitful this year.”

Mathy includes the following in her UTO Toolkit:

  1. A handwritten note from Mathy (on UTO notecards – you can get yours from the distribution center!)
  2. Handbook for Diocesan and Parish Coordinators and Organizers – available here
  3. Gratitude Challenges – found here, including some of the journal pages found in the stewardship program
  4. UTO Prayers – found here
  5. Grant List – click here for the most recent grant list or order a brochure from the UTO Distribution Center
  6. Information on granting, including the grant calendar – found here
  7. From the distribution center, UTO Blue Box, offering envelope, prayer booklet, and coin purse

Mathy also shared some photos from her display that she travels with. In each place, she invites folks to write what they are most grateful for on a flip chart to show how easy it is to start a gratitude practice.

A big thank you to Mathy for all of her hard work to promote gratitude! We hope her work inspires you to think about new ways to promote UTO in your location!